- Chief Shawn Burke, Vermont Association of Chiefs of Police
- Sheriff Jennifer Harlow, Orleans County Sheriff, Vermont Sheriff’s Association
Commissioner Jennifer Morrison, Department of Public Safety
Colonel Matthew Birmingham, Director of the Vermont State Police
Colonel Justin Stedman, Director of Vermont Fish & Game
Trevor Whipple, Municipal Policy Advocate, Vermont League of Cities and Towns
Domenica Padula, Attorney General’s Office
Timothy Lueders-Dumont, Executive Director, Department of State's Attorneys and Sheriffs
Wade Cochran, Executive Director, Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles
Matthew Valerio, Defender General’s Office
Michael O’Neil, Vermont Troopers Association Representative
Constable Mark Belisle, Vermont Constable Association
Acting Chief Ben Herrick, Vermont Police Association Representative
Chief John Poleway, Capital Police
Senior Warden Kelly Price, Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife, Vermont State Employees Association
Director Christopher Brickell, Vermont Criminal Justice Council
Anthony Facos, United State's Attorney's Office