The Animal Cruelty Investigation Advisory Board was created by the Vermont General Assembly within the Department of Public Safety to advise the governor, the General Assembly and the commissioner of Public Safety on issues involving the cooperation and coordination of all agencies that exercise animal welfare responsibilities.
Establishing Statute
Animal Cruelty Investigation Advisory Board |
Membership Category |
Designee |
Commissioner of Department of Public Safety or Designee |
John MacCallum |
Executive Director, State’s Attorneys and Sheriffs or Designee |
Sally Adams, Vice Chair |
Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Markets or Designee |
Vacant |
Commissioner of Fish and Wildlife or Designee |
Thomas Scott |
Vermont League of Cities and Towns (Governor Appointee) |
Trevor Whipple |
Vermont Police Association (Governor Appointee) |
Vacant |
Dog Breeders and Associated Groups (Governor Appointee) |
Mary McFaun |
Veterinarians (Governor Appointee) |
Dr. Pam Brown |
Vermont Criminal Justice Council designee |
Jennifer Firpo |
Two members to represent the interests of organizations dedicated to promoting the welfare of animals (Governor Appointees) |
Erika Holm, Chair JoAnn Nichols |
Meeting Agendas
Meeting Minutes
Annual Reports
Other Documents
- Sunrise Application to Office of Professional Responsibility, August 10, 2021
- The Association of Shelter Veterinarians' Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters, Second Edition - December 2022 (Journal of Shelter Medicine & Community Animal Health)